Monday, April 11, 2011

Mafia style of carnage

Countless incidence of motorcycle riding tandem killings had come to a breaking point when one of the fallen assailants had been identified as an active member of the police. This uncovered mystery of helmet riding tandems only stir the minds of the people as to who are the real identities of this modern day marauder. Not counting on its positive side, many drug addicts/offenders had been erased in the so-called order-of -battle lists just to establish the province as a safe haven for tourists as well as a good investment area and to escalate the statistics of drug-related killings. Commentaries queued in, why members of the police are being used by influential politicians only to be paid up in the end with only a fraction of the booty just to finish the "operation". This is happening in different parts of the country, not to single-out our own province. Their guilty conscience hounds them throughout their lives, even if they set foot on the gates of hell or the glory of heavens.